A magical day wandering from Emily's flat through Arguelles and past the sparkling displays of Christmas in every shop window. Blue sky and sun, almost 60 degrees on this day so close to the turn of the year. Madrilenos and visitors are out in droves, pushing strollers with their children bundled into footed bags like bugs, their dogs all wearing cozy vests and their own necks wrapped in elaborate scarves, despite the heat that has me taking off my coat. Linked arms, kisses left cheek then right, a streetside parade of human warmth.
Everyone seems to be out and celebrating the sun today. We head towards Puerto del Sol, where a tacky Christmas market sends us careening away towards tapas and rioja at Fatigas del Querer. The boisterous conversation, free flowing wine and food and the crowded space says: This is Madrid. The elf and santa hats with glittery sequins on grown women and men are a seasonal touch, but I get the feeling that this is a gathering place, every night. And why wouldn't it be, with its gorgeous painted tiles inside and out, the leg of jamon on the bar being carved to order, the camaraderie and celebration and the great wine and food to make it a party.
As the eve of Christmas cascaded towards sunset, Emily and I headed to her neighborhood park, where sunsets have been known to be spectacular. A crowd had gathered near the Templo de Debod, serenaded by a street musician playing jazz classics and pop songs interspersed with Christmas tunes on his melodic clarinet. Beyond him, the exotic Palacio Real glowed in the fading light of the day.
Although the sunset was nothing special, the day and the moment, the laughs and the walk home by the glowing Temple made it a most marvelous day of the year.
Palacio Real, Madrid |
Templo de Debod, Arguelles neighborhood, Madrid |
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