Friday, December 28, 2018

Postcard from Barcelona


Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo

Electric, eccentric, effusive and ever moving:  that's my impression of this Spanish port  city.  Famous for the fantastical houses and structures designed by Antoni Gaudi and others inspired by his psychedelic creations, it is also a showcase of stunning classical architecture everywhere you turn - elaborate turrets and rooftop gazebos, exquisite carved ornamentation, wrought iron balconies and delicate mosaics set into store facades.

Plaza Cataluna
On the ramblas, pedestrians stroll en masse.  Late at night, the effect is carnivalesque: during our visit the crowds were huge until close to midnight.  The city is all lit up for the holiday season, with lights strung across the many narrow streets (carrers) in a surprising variety of colors and shapes.  Fountains spew and cascade in an everchanging colorful light show.

Then, the food.  The tapas lifestyle basically means you just keep eating until you can't continue, even though you never want to stop.  Iberian acorn-fed ham, anchovies and squid and mussels, fried Padron peppers, stuffed piquillo peppers, albondigas (meatballs), empanadas filled with eggplant and smoked mozzarella or sausage and chimichurri, cheeses delightful enough to convert a vegan.  And the party never stops - Emily and I got the last table in a popular restaurant at 10:30 p.m., a loud and colorful spot with delicious tapas - and when we left at 11:30, the party was still going strong.


Did I mention that it was close to 60 degrees and sunny the entire time we were in Barcelona, in late December?  It's no wonder that people love this city.

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